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Do neutrinos account for approximately 99% of the energy released by Type 1a supernovae as they do for Type II 'Core collapse' supernovae?

So many accounts say that neutrinos carry away about 99 percent of the energy from a 'traditional' supernova (giant star at end of its life), but what about a white dwarf detonated after accretion?
Kurt Hikes's user avatar
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Why does a white dwarf sometimes go 'nova' and sometimes supernova (type 1a)?

Obviously, when a white dwarf goes truly supernova, there is nothing left, not even, I have heard, a neutron star or black hole... But when certain white dwarf stars accrete certain amounts or types ...
Kurt Hikes's user avatar
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How to calculate the number density of electrons?

I am trying to calculate the number density of electrons (number of electrons/m^3) for a white dwarf, knowing these parameters : the mass and radius of the white dwarf (therefore its density (kg/m^3))...
Jean Pégoud's user avatar
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Do “neutrino supernovae” exist?

Core collapse supernovae release most of their energy in the form of neutrinos. About 1% of the neutrinos are absorbed by the thick outer envelope which powers a spectacular supernova explosion. Core ...
哲煜黄's user avatar
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What determines the temperature of a white dwarf?

Can someone please explain what determines the temperature of the white dwarf? Is more massive white dwarf hotter ? Also, is the density of a white dwarf always a constant?
Rian's user avatar
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Do all C-O white dwarfs have more-or-less the same proportions of carbon and oxygen?

Type 1a supernovae are known for having very consistent energy yields, and they are caused when a carbon-oxygen white dwarf reaches the Chandrasekhar limit of about 1.4 solar masses. Since type 1a ...
zucculent's user avatar
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Is the structure of crystalized white dwarf related to nuclear pasta?

There is news of an analysis of a large number of nearby white dwarfs revealing a "pile-up" at a certain point in their cooling which has been predicted to happen due to a phase change where nuclear ...
uhoh's user avatar
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5 answers

Is there a possibility that a white dwarf can turn into a neutron star or a black hole?

I know that a white dwarf is supported mainly by electron degeneracy pressure and that if it gains more than about 1.4 solar masses from any source (such as a companion star or a collision), it ...
Baalateja Kataru's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What happens if a white dwarf collides with a star like our sun or a red dwarf?

Would it explode in a supernova or will it form a new star?
YottaEngineer's user avatar
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What if a white dwarf is less massive than her partner?

For example: a system with a 0.2 solar mass white dwarf orbiting a 0.25 solar mass red dwarf. Does the red dwarf steals mass from the white dwarf or vice versa.
YottaEngineer's user avatar
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What is the condition for the number density of a gas to be ultra-relativistic or non-relativistic and degenerate or ideal

What is the condition for the number density ($n$) of a gas to be ultra-relativistic or non-relativistic and degenerate or ideal? I found problems in this subject when I was reading about White-...
titansarus's user avatar