I wrote https://github.com/barrycarter/bcapps/blob/master/ASTRO/bc-solve-astro-13115.m to solve this with the full results at: https://github.com/barrycarter/bcapps/blob/master/ASTRO/brightest-stars-from-other-stars.txt.bz2 As viewed from RigelKentaurusB, the Sun has magnitude 0.48, and is the 10th brightest star in the sky. This is the only star system with known exoplanets where the Sun even makes the top 10. From EpsilonEridani, the sun shines at magnitude 2.37, making it the 79th brightest star in their sky. Things go rapidly downhill from there: <pre><code> 79 EpsilonEridani Sun 2.36646 207 HIP113020 Sun 3.18865 208 HIP85523 Sun 3.11216 247 HIP106440 Sun 3.29606 396 HIP15510 Sun 3.74083 423 HIP74995 Sun 3.81444 685 Fomalhaut Sun 4.25746 878 HIP64924 Sun 4.48202 949 HIP109388 Sun 4.54456 972 HIP99825 Sun 4.55679 </code></pre> This is based on Mathematica's list of 552 exoplanets orbiting 464 stars, and a total list of 88,637 stars. If the naked eye visibility limit is magnitude 5.5, the Sun would only be visible from 28 of these stars: <pre><code> 10 RigelKentaurusB Sun 0.476137 79 EpsilonEridani Sun 2.36646 208 HIP85523 Sun 3.11216 207 HIP113020 Sun 3.18865 247 HIP106440 Sun 3.29606 396 HIP15510 Sun 3.74083 423 HIP74995 Sun 3.81444 685 Fomalhaut Sun 4.25746 878 HIP64924 Sun 4.48202 949 HIP109388 Sun 4.54456 972 HIP99825 Sun 4.55679 1086 HIP57443 Sun 4.65677 1126 HIP21932 Sun 4.69871 1381 HIP57087 Sun 4.87838 1426 HIP83043 Sun 4.89689 1409 Pollux Sun 4.90049 1617 HIP10138 Sun 5.01833 1649 HIP57050 Sun 5.04143 1676 HIP3093 Sun 5.05658 1716 HIP48331 Sun 5.06528 1831 Gl317 Sun 5.13093 2104 HIP22627 Sun 5.24572 2264 Rho1Cancri Sun 5.31849 2263 HIP40693 Sun 5.32723 2397 HIP27887 Sun 5.36943 2355 HIP80337 Sun 5.37669 2382 GJ1214 Sun 5.3879 2689 UpsilonAndromedae Sun 5.47503 </code></pre> If the limit is magnitude 6.5, 33 more star systems can see the Sun: <pre><code> 2838 Alrai Sun 5.52682 2926 HIP53721 Sun 5.571 3399 HIP79431 Sun 5.69393 3637 MuArae Sun 5.74863 3679 HIP113357 Sun 5.76061 3783 TauBootis Sun 5.7949 3941 HIP98767 Sun 5.83457 4071 HIP85647 Sun 5.86725 4318 HIP71395 Sun 5.92513 4580 HIP6379 Sun 5.95739 4783 IotaHorologii Sun 6.01138 4835 HIP7978 Sun 6.02527 4867 RhoCoronaeBorealis Sun 6.03887 5016 HIP1292 Sun 6.0583 4949 NN3634 Sun 6.08757 4993 HIP55848 Sun 6.10352 5252 HIP49699 Sun 6.11214 5300 HIP83389 Sun 6.11214 5031 HIP65721 Sun 6.11803 5343 HIP79248 Sun 6.12236 5385 PiMensae Sun 6.12986 5453 EpsilonReticulii Sun 6.13303 6158 HIP98505 Sun 6.251 6351 HIP113421 Sun 6.30305 6436 Nu2CanisMajoris Sun 6.31593 6343 HIP99711 Sun 6.32197 6737 Hamal Sun 6.35637 6516 HIP64457 Sun 6.37975 6867 HIP58451 Sun 6.4205 7614 HIP25110 Sun 6.43775 7525 HIP109378 Sun 6.46941 7538 HIP54906 Sun 6.47034 7957 HIP96901 Sun 6.48193 </code></pre> OLD ANSWER FOR REFERENCE (note that Sirius does not have known exoplanets, so the Sirius solution I propose below wouldn't work): As others have noted, since Sirius is 25 times more luminous than our Sun (though still not luminous as Canopus or Rigel), so it would be the brightest star for most nearby star systems, and all the exoplanets we've found are fairly closeby. The only possible exception would be an exoplanet orbiting Sirius itself, since Sirius would be considered their sun, and not a star in the *night* sky. Unfortunately, Sirius' smaller companion, Sirius B, would be much brighter than our Sun there. I'm also pretty sure Sirius B would be in the night sky (not just in the daytime sky), so it would count. I'd like to poke around a bit more before declaring this answer complete. I think I can show that any point where the Sun is brighter than Sirius must be less than 4.3 light years (and probably much less) away from our solar system, so, unless we discover an star system MUCH closer than Proxima Centauri, there are no exoplanets where our Sun is the brightest star.