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4 votes

How to listen to our world from 10,000 light years away?

For more fun, let's posit an experiment 10 000 years from now. I found some forum which provided this data for a transmitter: The Taldom transmitter is a large facility for longwave and shortwave ...
Carl Witthoft's user avatar
4 votes

How to listen to our world from 10,000 light years away?

As the above commentator says, our technology isn't sufficiently sensitive to pick up everyday radio broadcasts from so far away, and even if we could it wouldn't be worth sending them a message. The ...
Michael Walsby's user avatar
4 votes

Communication for far away satellites

That's the job of NASA's Deep Space Network, plus sites in other countries that perform similar functions. NASA currently has facilities in California, Spain, and Australia whose primary function is ...
David Hammen's user avatar
  • 36.3k
4 votes

How much does the communications frequency of JWST vary?

The Doppler shift caused by the speed of the JWST relative to the Earth is fairly small. Yes, it does need to be accounted for, but dealing with it is a routine matter in space communications, and ...
PM 2Ring's user avatar
  • 16.7k
3 votes

How was Sugar Grove Station supposed to work?

I can't comment in detail but Earth-Moon-Earth communication at radio wavelengths is well established. At wavelengths longer than a few cm (frequencies below 10 GHz), the Moon appears smooth and acts ...
ProfRob's user avatar
  • 163k
3 votes

Current delay for radio signals from the Mars InSight mission

Current delay for radio signals from the Mars InSight mission. The delay at the time of the landing was 8.07 minutes (8 minutes 4+ seconds), as Mars was at the time at a relative distance from Earth ...
Jiminy Cricket.'s user avatar
3 votes

How to communicate Fine Structure Constant to aliens?

Send two pulses of whatever (light, radio) you are using for communication, one a factor of $\alpha$ longer than the other.
Steve Linton's user avatar
  • 10.4k
2 votes

How to listen to our world from 10,000 light years away?

The book of Yosif Shklovskii and Carls Sagan, "Inteligent life in the universe" gives a formula for how far a signal could travel and still be detectable by an antenna, which is influenced ...
Alexander Cska's user avatar
2 votes

Power requirement for transmitting communications further than 1 ly?

A partial answer to your question emerged today on arXiv. Hippke (2017) analyses this exact problem - dealing with power requirements for the transmitter, arrangements for detection, the information ...
ProfRob's user avatar
  • 163k
2 votes

Power requirement for transmitting communications further than 1 ly?

It's possible to transmit an intelligible signal to a target roughly 4.3 light-years away using 0.1 milliwatts. The trick for that particular level of power is that both the sender and receiver have ...
DataPacRat's user avatar
2 votes

How to communicate Fine Structure Constant to aliens?

We've already attempted to communicate with aliens (and I don't mean teenagers), notably using Voyager 1 and 2 and their "gold records". Any intelligent technological civilization should ...
StephenG - Help Ukraine's user avatar
1 vote

What makes a star?

While I think that this question might be too broad, I will give you a few ideas. Spectroscopy: One important component of astronomical observations is to take the light of a source and decompose it ...
Solfreludio's user avatar

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