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bandybabboon's user avatar
bandybabboon's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
  • France
61 votes

How do we know the moon is smaller than Earth?

13 votes

Could the dinosaurs have seen the asteroid that killed them?

12 votes

How did Astronomers deduce that the Sun was not a ball of fire?

11 votes

Why do some electromagnetic waves continue travelling while others disappear?

8 votes

Time of day of the K-Pg asteroid impact?

8 votes

Is Planet Nine shepherding the Kuiper Belt?

7 votes

Is Barnard 68 the only cloud so close to us that there are no stars between us and it?

7 votes

Metal distribution in our solar system

7 votes

Do unattached objects contribute to a planet's gravity?

6 votes

Do changes in the orbit of the Earth contribute to global warming?

6 votes

How do sunspots move seen from the side?

6 votes

Why can't stars be multicolored like gas giants?

6 votes

If Planet Nine indeed exists, how large a impact event there should be to be seen from Earth?

6 votes

Why is Starlink polluting the night sky a big concern if we have space telescopes?

5 votes

Why doesn’t the Sun fill the sky on Mercury?

5 votes

What are the odds that the Sun hits another star?

5 votes

How bright will Alpha Centauri A be from Earth when it becomes a red giant?

4 votes

Why do the Andromeda Galaxy images from NASA have some sort of color shifting in it

4 votes

LIGO gravitational wave chirp signal frequency

4 votes

Why are all quasars so far away?

4 votes

Why do aliens have to be carbon based lifeforms?

4 votes

What will happen to life on Earth when the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies collide?

4 votes

Could the redshift of all incoming photons be explained by a massive ring of distant masses pulling the sources of the photons away?

3 votes

Does Pluto have impact craters?

3 votes

What is in the center of the universe?

3 votes

Parking a telescope at a Lagrange point: is this a good idea from a debris point of view?

3 votes

How bad could we reasonably expect a solar flare to impact earth, and what can be done to mitigate the impact?

2 votes

What color is earthshine?

2 votes

What does the milky way look like from earth to the human eye without light pollution?

2 votes

Why is TiO special?