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DialFrost's user avatar
DialFrost's user avatar
  • Member for 2 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Singapore
7 votes

How do I get temperature and diameter from a light curve?

6 votes

What are those blobs in each of the two bright rings of Neptune shown in the new JWST image?

4 votes

How is the potential-density pair relation derived?

4 votes

How diverse are chemical reactions outside Earth?

3 votes

DAMIT how do they get 3D shape and rotational trajectory of a tumbling asteroid from photometry?

2 votes

Just how "locked" are resonant-chains of exoplanets thought to be? (e.g. K2-138 and TOI-178)

2 votes

How do we know that comets definitely mase and not just fluoresce? What is it about 18-cm lines that indicates that is really masing per se?

2 votes

What is an "Off Rowland-circle Telescope"? Are there "On Rowland-circle Telescope" as well?

2 votes

SKA 101: How will it "perform the most precise tests of Einstein's theories" and Australia & South Africa arrays be "made to work seamlessly together"

2 votes

What are "non-Keplerian" orbits? What are some familiar examples in our solar system, and can some still be closed?

1 vote

What does a fitted curve for the period of a variable star, tell me about the star?

1 vote

Since there is an axial tilt present on planets, does this also affect their orbital angular momentum?