I've noticed that different reputable weather websites will give different times for sunrise/sunset for the exact same location. I've seen variation by 25 minutes or more, for sunset on the same date at the same location, from two different websites. Assuming that they are all using the astronomical definition of sunset, is there any reasonable explanation for this variation? (e.g. Are there multiple accepted methods of calculating sunrise/sunset?)
Edit: The example I'm currently looking at is the Openweathermap API sunset time and the time given by sunrise-sunset.org, as an example. Looking at both for St. Michael's, Maryland (and having double-checked that I'm indeed looking at the same location for both), openweathermap shows 7:45pm, and sunrise-sunset.org shows 8:09pm, for sunset today. This town does not have an extreme longitude, and it is topographically pretty flat so I doubt one website is trying to account for horizon differences.