
As we know the atmosphere of Neptune looks more active than Uranus', is this due to the tidal forces caused by the retrograde orbit of Triton around the planet?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Unlikely. Neptune is warmer than Uranus, more internal heat means more turbulent atmosphere. The reason why this is so isn't known, but it's possible that Uranus had a more turbulent past and it emitted heat from it's formation more quickly. It's also possible that Neptune had a collision more recently that may have added to it's internal heat. Triton is too small to have the effect you describe and the retrograde motion isn't a factor. spaceanswers.com/solar-system/why-is-uranus-colder-than-neptune (putting as a comment due to brevity) $\endgroup$
    – userLTK
    Commented Jun 13, 2016 at 8:42

1 Answer 1


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Unlikely. Neptune is warmer than Uranus, more internal heat means more turbulent atmosphere. The reason why this is so isn't known, but it's possible that Uranus had a more turbulent past and it emitted heat from its formation more quickly. It's also possible that Neptune had a collision more recently that may have added to its internal heat. Triton is too small to have the effect you describe and the retrograde motion isn't a factor.


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