I want to say first off, I am a complete beginner, starting out my interest in astronomy (so go easy!).
I have been able to see some nice sights on some nights, however, I had a strange experience the other night when viewing Saturn.
I had been viewing it the night before, using my highest magnification eyepiece and got some really nice views. It can be noted my telescope has a focal length of 1000mm and aperture of 100mm and I was using a 5mm eyepiece, which was really pushing the limits of the useable magnification, as far as I am aware.
So anyway, the next night had clear skies again, if anything maybe clearer. I was excited to see Saturn again, but this time once I had found it, I put in my 5mm eyepiece and just couldn't get it into the same focus I had the previous night. I googled it and somewhere said that although the skies can be good, the seeing can be poor.
What is meant by this statement and how am I able to tell if there is going to be a night with poor seeing in advance so I know which eyepieces I can use for that particular session? The app I use to check the skies only tells me if it is going to be clear so I don;t know what to be looking out for.