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How do I design a good telescope to observe nebulae and other deep sky objects [closed]

How can I make a good telescope that is powerful enough show nebulae and other deep sky objects ? (consider low budget build)
Amrith Adithya's user avatar
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Why was StDr56 discovered only now?

StDr56 is a newly discovered planetary nebula (maybe). link1 link2 It was found by amateur astronomers Marcel Drechsler and Xavier Strottner. According to the above articles, it's pretty big: With an ...
Gimelist's user avatar
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DSO in a 60mm telescope

I am thinking about buying a telescope, but here in Brazil they are very expensive and hard to find where to buy. So, the better telescope I can pay for is a Celestron Powerseeker 60AZ. My main ...
Vitor Z.'s user avatar
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How to locate nebulas visible through AstroMaster 114 telescope without device assistance?

I will be going to the desert this month and it's my understanding that the night sky will be very dark there. I've got some practice locating the planets but I'd really like to get a look at a nebula ...
S. Imp's user avatar
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