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Is the magnetic permeability (mu_0) necessary in the expression for planetary magnetic field?

To numerically analyse the Lorentz effect due to the magnetic field, say, radial component on a charge particles which of the expression would be correct, $\{ B_r = \frac{2R}{r^3} g_1^0 \cos(\theta) \}...
Lunthang Peter's user avatar
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Conversion of 1D plot in 3D plot gives different physics

I am to track the path of a particle due to Lorentz force of the planet magnetic field, assuming there is no gravitational force on it. The equation of motion due to Lorentz force in rotating ...
Lunthang Peter's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How massive does a moon have to be to have a stable magnetic field?

Is there a minimum mass or other minimum properties necessary for a body to have a strong, stable dynamo to create a magnetic field conducive for life? For example, would it be possible for Titan to ...
literaldehyde's user avatar