I'm writing a program to randomly generate star systems and I have been having a difficult time figuring this out. I've found the equations I need to get the heliocentric equatorial coordinates, but I haven't been able to figure out how to determine the longitude of perihelion. Is it just the opposite of the longitude of the ascending node or is it a completely different variable?
It might just me, but the names for this stuff is definitely making it more confusing than it should be.
Here is all my notes:
** = power
P = planet's period
a = semi-major axis
b = semi-minor axis
M = mean anomaly
E = Eccentric anomaly
e = eccentricity of orbit
v = true anomaly
r = radial distance
A = longitude of asending node
w = longitude of perihelion
i = inclination
t = time
(r, v) = polar coordinates
(x, y, z) = Heliocentric Ecliptic coordinates
(X, Y, Z) = Heliocentric Equalorial coordinates
e = sqrt(1 - (b ** 2 / a ** 2))
P = sqrt(a ** 3)
Kepler's Equation
M = E - e * sin(E)
Mean Anomaly use as starting point for eccentric anomaly
M = (2 * pi * t) / P
True Anomaly
v = 2 * atan(sqrt((1 + e) / (1 - e)) * tan(E / 2))
Radial Distance
r = (a(1 - e ** 2)) / (1 + e * cos(v))
Heliocentric Ecliptic coordinates
x = r(cos(A) * cos(w + v) - sin(A) * sin(w + v) * cos(i)
y = r(sin(A) * cos(w + v) + cos(A) * sin(w + v) * cos(i)
z = r * sin(w + v) * sin(i)
Heliocentric Equalorial coordinates
X = x
Y = y * cos(i) - z * sin(i)
Z = y * sin(i) + z * cos(i)