I am new to this tool for catalogue creation(SExtractor). I want to know about how to set parameters for the extraction for JWST data.
The parameter file looks like this.
#-------------------------------- Catalog ------------------------------------
CATALOG_NAME SMACS0723_jwst.cat # name of the output catalog
PARAMETERS_NAME default.param # name of the file containing catalog contents
#------------------------------- Extraction ----------------------------------
DETECT_TYPE CCD # CCD (linear) or PHOTO (with gamma correction)
DETECT_MINAREA 5 # min. # of pixels above threshold
DETECT_THRESH 1.5 # <sigmas> or <threshold>,<ZP> in mag.arcsec-2
ANALYSIS_THRESH 1.5 # <sigmas> or <threshold>,<ZP> in mag.arcsec-2
FILTER N # apply filter for detection (Y or N)?
FILTER_NAME default.conv # name of the file containing the filter
DEBLEND_NTHRESH 32 # Number of deblending sub-thresholds
DEBLEND_MINCONT 0.005 # Minimum contrast parameter for deblending
CLEAN Y # Clean spurious detections? (Y or N)?
CLEAN_PARAM 1.0 # Cleaning efficiency
MASK_TYPE CORRECT # type of detection MASKing: can be one of
#------------------------------ Photometry -----------------------------------
PHOT_APERTURES 5 # MAG_APER aperture diameter(s) in pixels
PHOT_AUTOPARAMS 2.5, 3.5 # MAG_AUTO parameters: <Kron_fact>,<min_radius>
PHOT_PETROPARAMS 2.0, 3.5 # MAG_PETRO parameters: <Petrosian_fact>,
# <min_radius>
SATUR_LEVEL 50000.0 # level (in ADUs) at which arises saturation
SATUR_KEY SATURATE # keyword for saturation level (in ADUs)
MAG_ZEROPOINT 0.0 # magnitude zero-point
MAG_GAMMA 4.0 # gamma of emulsion (for photographic scans)
GAIN 0.0 # detector gain in e-/ADU
GAIN_KEY GAIN # keyword for detector gain in e-/ADU
PIXEL_SCALE 1.0 # size of pixel in arcsec (0=use FITS WCS info)
#------------------------- Star/Galaxy Separation ----------------------------
SEEING_FWHM 1.2 # stellar FWHM in arcsec
STARNNW_NAME default.nnw # Neural-Network_Weight table filename
I want to know how could i get these extraction values, specifically DETECT_THRESH and GAIN. Also suggest me some platforms where I could get interact with peers working on JWST.