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How is the incidence angle of the Sun related to the lean angle of the Cooks pines?

Auracaria columnaris (Cooks pine) on average lean towards the equator. Most of the pines in the Northern Hemisphere lean southward and most of the pines in the Southern Hemisphere lean northward. ...
Connor Garcia's user avatar
  • 16.7k
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How to get SOHO Satellite images' coordinates?

I'm working with images from LASCO C3 coronagraph I'm able to download pictures from LASCO C3 using this form Then, I want to do some analysis of ...
Maxim's user avatar
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Demonstration- formula for angle between horizon and ecliptic

The most precise and quite intuitive formula I could find online is here: $$\cos I = \cos ϵ \sin ϕ − \sin ϵ \cos ϕ \...
astrid lovespie's user avatar
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Calculating angle between the sun and a perpendicular to earth given lon/lat & time

If you had your longitude/latitude, and the time/date, how could I go about working out the angle between your normal and the sun? At first I was doing a simplistic approach of assuming elliptical ...
BinkyNichols's user avatar