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Questions about a depression on the surface of solid celestrial ojects, use also when asking about maar or caldera.
Age of Jezero crater on Mars
Jezero crater is roughly 50 km across, and it is emplaced within the wall of Isidis crater ("basin"). … Jezero is highly degraded, and it has only one larger crater emplaced on its remaining rim, making any such crater counts highly suspect. …
What's the difference between a crater and a basin?
In contrast, a "crater" is, basically, a circular cavity carved into the surface. … So, the South Pole-Aitken "Basin" is the Moon's largest known impact crater. …
How new is this crater?
The crater in that image formed some time between 04 June, 2010, and 12 November, 2020. … In that particular image, the crater was formed at least 4.5 months before the image to which you linked was taken. …
Is there any idea how lunar craters size relate to the size of the meteorites which created ...
There might be a more recent review, but the one by Johnson et al. (2016) is usually my go-to for the impactor-crater scaling laws (their equations 4 and 5 are slightly different, but close enough for … But, out where Pluto is, with more icy bodies striking each other at much slower speeds, the ratio is closer to a crater forms around twice the size of the impactor. …
Ice filled craters on Mars
Any crater that is on the north or south polar layered deposits (N/SPLD) are going to have permanent ice in them, by definition, since they formed in ice. … But, Korolev is the largest crater closest to the NPLD, so that's why it's be best known for this sort of phenomenon.
So, are there others? Certainly. But, they're smaller. …
Elongated Moon crater statistics?
The problem with this approach is that one must visually recognize the crater is elliptical and then one must subjectively choose those axes. … It begins by tracing the crater rim and then fitting an ellipse to that trace as well as a circle, and doing this for all craters. …
Is the Ordovician meteor event detectable in the lunar cratering record?
Right now, the lunar crater chronology has roughly a dozen points on it, so we don't have the resolution to say anything about a spike ≈468 million years ago. … It is certainly possible (likely, even) that the lunar crater record would show that spike if we had the resolution to measure it by dating many more craters through methods other than superposed crater …
Why do lunar craters seem preferentially north-south aligned?
They are most noticeable at the smallest diameters -- 1 pixel offset doesn't affect a 100 km crater nearly as much as a 1 km crater. … Now, if an ellipticity is particularly large, like 1.5 (the major axis is 50% larger than the minor axis), and the crater is ≈1 km average diameter, then that's probably trustworthy. …
How does one go about submitting a name for a newly-discovered lunar crater?
Speaking as someone who does crater database generation as part of my day job, if the crater is larger than about 0.5 km, it's probably already been catalogued by me or someone else, and there are numerous … There was an AI-crater-detection paper that got a lot of press about two years ago with headlines proclaiming, "AI Discovers 6000 New Craters on the Moon" or variants thereof. …
Does Mars get hit by as many meteors as the Earth?
We can try to use the impact crater record (what I study) to try to at least constrain the problem, but the impact crater record on Mars has been partially obliterated, including the oldest stuff, so it …