I couldn't find an answer to this question.
James Webb Space Telescope will align primary mirror segments and secondary mirror in space.
Question is whether these will need re-alignment during the course of operation? And how often if so?
I couldn't find an answer to this question.
James Webb Space Telescope will align primary mirror segments and secondary mirror in space.
Question is whether these will need re-alignment during the course of operation? And how often if so?
Each of James Webb's mirror segments are adjustable through seven small motors, called actuators. Due to thermal variations, the segments do indeed need to be re-adjusted occasionally.
Exactly how often is a compromise between desired image quality and valuable science observation time, as argued by Park et al. (2017) who develop a thermal model, but don't seem to actually recommend any interval between re-adjustments.
An older proceeding by Mather (2010) says that
it is […] expected the JWST primary mirror may be readjusted on the order of every two weeks.
which is backed up by this recent SPIE article.
Welcome "akostadinov", and welcome to me, too! Indeed, a great question.. In an attempt to start an answering discussion, understand each of the Webb's 18 primary mirrors have I believe 5 motorized adjustment points (correction - 6 actuator motors!), for just what you're asking! Yes, once everything is locked down and deployed, there will be an alignment/collimation period to get all the optics in the right position, something essential in a multiple mirror primary system. I can imagine over time, these mirrors may get occasional tweaking, but I don't know with what regularity. With the multi-mirror Keck observatory here on Earth, they actually "warp" the primary segments based on what they're observing! Hope this helps! Cheers..twg.