I'm a newbie in this field so forgive me if I'm considering things wrong. As much as I can see, the newly published image of the Sgr A* looks pretty much the same as M87 released years ago. I'm wondering why the appearance of both nuclei are the same while M87 has a massive, active galactic nucleus with strong radio emissions and long relativistic jets, but the Sgr A* is not an AGN, is not as massive as M87 and doesn't have radio emissions as strong as M87 and yet the image of the accretion disks look quite the same?
From Wikipedia:
The comparatively small mass of this supermassive black hole, along with the low luminosity of the radio and infrared emission lines, imply that the Milky Way is not a Seyfert galaxy.
Actually I was expecting a simple dark circle with a narrow accretion disk with somehow lower luminosity(temperature?) in the image.