Lunar standstill
Estimate at what latitudes it is possible to observe the Moon for at
least 24 hours.
This will depend on the Moon's maximum declination, which varies with a period of 18.6 years (see lunar standstill). During a minor lunar standstill, the declination is 18.134° at most, during a major lunar standstill, it's 28.725° at most.
I wrote a small program to plot the position of the moon every half hour, during a year.
Here's the polar diagram (azimuth + elevation) for 2015, as seen from the Equator. It was during the last minor standstill, so the moon was close to the celestial equator:
and the same diagram, for 2025. It will be the next major standstill, so the moon will have a much wider range:
This diagram is convenient, because you can directly see the required latitude if you want to see the moon for a whole day: it's the lowest elevation when the moon crosses the meridian.
In 2015, you'd need to be at least at 72° latitude (90° - minor lunar standstill):
And in 2025, you could be lower, at about 62° (90° - major lunar standstill):
In 2025, at 72°, you'd have many days during which the moon is visible for 24h:
But in 2015, at 62°, you'd have none:
The diagrams would have the exact same shape in the southern hemisphere, but flipped vertically.
For reference, the program was written in INSEL, which is similar to Simulink:
The diagram was created with Gnuplot:
unset border
set zeroaxis
unset xtics
set ytics ("90°" 0, "80°" 10, "70°" 20, "60°" 30, "50°" 40, "40°" 50, "30°" 60, "20°" 70, "10°" 80, "0°" 90)
set ytics axis nomirror
set rtics ("" 0, "" 10, "" 20, "" 30, "" 40, "" 50, "" 60, "" 70, "" 80, "" 90)
set rtics scale 0
unset raxis
set rrange [0:90]
set grid polar 10
set size square
set lmargin 2
set rmargin 5
set tmargin 5
set bmargin 2
set label "N" at 0, 93
set label "S" at 0, -94
set label "E" at 91, 0
set label "W" at -97, 0
set key at 120, 105
plot data_file using 1:2 title curve_name1,\
90 with lines notitle
On the morning of 4th of April 2025, at 62°N, the moon will be visible due north, ready for a complete rotation above the horizon.
As on the 3rd of October 2015, at 72.5°N: