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Questions tagged [chandra]

Questions about the Chandra X-ray Obseravatory, the NASA satellite for X-ray astronomy.

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plotting light curve for x ray data

how can I plot the light curve for Chandra X-ray data? I want to extract the counts within the specified energy range from the light curve. e.g., I have to extract the counts within the energy range ...
Walker's user avatar
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Light curves for Chandra

I am working with Chandra data. I only have the corrected PI files for the sources. Is there a way to plot the light curve from this PI file. I wanted to extract the color magnitude ultimately.
Walker's user avatar
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Bad syntax for region SIMPLE -- dmextract CIAO 4.15

I am trying to perform a radial profile analysis using Chandra's CIAO 4.15 dmextract function but keep getting the following error: "bad syntax for region SIMPLE". I cannot find any relevant ...
adastra2001's user avatar
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Angular extent of this composite Chandra / JWST image of the Tarantula Nebula?

I thought I’d ask this question here, as I couldn’t readily find the answer looking through online resources. What is the angular extent of the composite Chandra / JWST image of the Tarantula Nebula ...
Bruce Simonson's user avatar
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What is this object visible in the Chandra image of the Cartwheel galaxy that isn't visible in JWST image?

In the below images I aligned an image from Chandra of the Cartwheel galaxy over the image from JWST. The first is the Chandra image pasted on top, fully opaque. The second is just the JWST image, and ...
MVTC's user avatar
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How does a galaxy in Abell 2261 exist without a black hole in the center?

Here a source says that astronomers looked for a black hole in the brightest galaxy in the cluster Abell 2261, A2261-BCG, but found nothing: However, X-ray observations from NASA's Chandra X-ray ...
Little Tony's user avatar
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Why would a black hole have a disk, but not emit x-rays?

There's a recent paper in Nature about LB-1, a B-class star orbiting a massive black hole. I don't understand how these two parts of the paper can be reconciled. On page 2, the authors argue that the ...
Allure's user avatar
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Fits file re-alignment

I would like to re-align an image using a reference image (taken from GAIA). I am aware of the software Koords developed by the Karma team: ...
Carter Rhea's user avatar