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What is the evolutionary leap in the great filter? [closed]

This might be very unclear, but in pictures explaining the great filter, there is an evolutionary leap that the civilisation is most likely not to be able to pass through. But what is that leap? Is it ...
schrodingerscat's user avatar
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Will the stars dim in the future because of the expansion of the universe?

We know that the universe is expanding, and that means everything is spreading apart. So does that mean in the future all the stars will dim and eventually disappear in our night sky because of the ...
Prince Pugs's user avatar
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What will the universe be like in a googolplex years time?

It will be cold and dark in 10^(10^100) years. What else can be said of the state of things in the far distant future? Will everything have fallen into supermassive black holes and then radiated ...
bandybabboon's user avatar
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How can we use hypervelocity stars to determine the origins of the Universe?

I was reading this article finding evidence of Universe's origin, which describes that in 1 trillion years we may lose the ability to determine how the universe was created. The answer seems to be ...
El Bromista's user avatar