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14 votes
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Could it be possible to detect planets from stars that went supernova through the resulting nebula shape?

It ocurred me, if a star with at least one planetary companion undergoes a nova or supernova, we shoud expect the debris to be deflected to some degree, on exit. To ilustrate it, first let's take the ...
ksousa's user avatar
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Star formation: When a nebula collapses, is it only the gasses that form the star?

A nebula is made of dust (elements heavier than He and H) and gas (H and He). Stars are made when nebulae's collapse and hydrogen begins to fuse. 99% of nebula material goes into making the star. The ...
G. Gip's user avatar
  • 161
4 votes
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How do proto-planetary nebulae gain momentum?

currently I am curious about proto-planetary nebulae. At first I was curious about how planets spin but I read in a couple of articles that they got their spin from when they were in a proto-planetary ...
Dashboarrd's user avatar