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14 votes
3 answers

Is there enough hydrogen left after a star dies so another star will have enough to light up?

A star consumes quite a lot of hydrogen in its life, and is pretty much "vacuuming" everything in its vicinity. After it dies (eventually by supernova which will spread all its composition over light ...
Andrei's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Why is the core of a gas giant supported by electron degeneracy pressure instead of nuclear fusion?

After a Sun-sized protostar forms, its core will become denser over time due to radiation. The core eventually gets dense and hot enough for hydrogen fusion to take place. In the late phases of the ...
Sir Cumference's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

What decides the direction in which the accretion disk spins?

Planets lie on the same plane because of the accretion disk formed during the Protostar stage, as I read in this question. I also read about the collision of particles in the gas cloud causing the ...
alphadog's user avatar
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