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Questions tagged [stefan-boltzmann-law]

Used for questions regarding a blackbody law that relates effective temperature and radius with luminosity.

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2 answers

Star and Planet temperature relationship

Let's assume there is this planet with no atmosphere, no geothermal activity and an average temperature $\ T_p$. Now, if the distance between the planet and the star is $\ d$ and the radius of the ...
Lorenzo Boole's user avatar
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Is something wrong with my luminosity calculation?

A few million years after a white dwarf forms, its surface temperature reaches $100000\text{K}$, while its radius is $0.01R_\odot$. Would this mean that its luminosity is $\Big(\dfrac{100000}{5778}\...
WarpPrime's user avatar
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What units are used for the Stefan-Boltzmann law?

I have a star with given temperature in Kelvin and radius in solar radii. I tried to calculate the luminosity of the star using Stefan Boltzmann's law, and got an absurd number (over 1 million). What ...
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