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Questions tagged [accretion-discs]

Questions regarding disks of gas, dust, and plasma around a central object, such as a black hole, which takes in the matter.

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How do accretion disks around black holes evaporate via winds?

I'm curious as to how accretion disks around black holes evaporate. I've heard winds play a crucial role in this. But what winds specifically and how do they form? Is it a stellar wind of sorts? If so ...
Orangeman's user avatar
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Bolometric luminosity in solarluminosity units to Luminosity per Hz modelling

I have estimated the bolometric luminosity of an accreting BH (from a model) as $$L_{bol}= \eta \dot{M}_{BH}c^2,$$ where $\eta$ is the radiative eficciency, $\dot{M}_{BH}$ the accretion rate of the BH ...
Matías Liempi's user avatar
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Would a possible accretion disk around a primordial black hole 500 au from the Sun be visible in present telescopes?

If the hypothetical two-inch black hole 500 au from the Sun had an accretion disk, might current telescopes detect it already or do we have to wait till the Vera Rubin Observatory starts work?
John's user avatar
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What methodology should be used to choose the correct model for origin of QPOs in X-ray astronomy?

In X-ray astronomy, quasi periodic oscillations (QPOs) are routinely shown by black hole and neutron star X-ray binary systems in their X-ray flux. Despite being strong and easily measurable signals, ...
Richard's user avatar
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Speeds in accretion disks

I know that in accretion disks, differential rotation means that inner parts move faster than outer parts. However, when angular momentum transport occurs (through viscosity, the magnetorotational ...
theta's user avatar
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What is the exact meaning of vicinity of Black hole or a disk? the same as inside?

What is the exact meaning of vicinity of Blackhole or a disk? Is this the same as inside the horizon for black holes? If so, why people don't say inside of BH, simply. What is the difference? I use ...
Schok's user avatar
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What is the mass limit in a stellar accretion disc?

I became curious about the maximum mass in a star's accretion disc while watching an episode of Star Trek involving a Dyson Sphere. I wondered if some maximum amount of stellar material would limit ...
12345678910111213's user avatar
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Do the terrestrial planets form later than gas giants in our solar system?

Sorry I forgot where this statements come from, but I also remember the reason behind it is due to young Jupiter moves inwards and destroys the original super earth in inner solar system, and the ...
Gstestso's user avatar
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Accretion discs emitting jets [duplicate]

When there are accretion discs jets of particles or radiations will be emitted in the direction parallel to the rotational axis. My beginner level astronomy textbook just says that it is due to ...
velut luna's user avatar
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Minimum Mass Solar Nebulae Scaling Factors

I'm attempting to build a MMSN, I've been trying for about... a week to get an intuition on the scaling factors for calculating the mass of the disks, I'm not entirely sure how to think about it. I ...
Stacks of overflow's user avatar
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Has the Advection-Dominated Accretion Flows (ADAF) model been used to describe accretion flow around a rotating black hole?

I am studying Advection-Dominated Accretion Flows (ADAF) from the review paper Advection-Dominated Accretion around Black Holes. In section 2.1 of the paper, the authors provide the basic equations of ...
Richard's user avatar
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Causes of emission of accretion disk

As far as I can see, there are two main sources for the emission of energy from an accretion disk: release of gravitational potential energy of the infalling matter; friction from differential ...
Jim421616's user avatar
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Do massive OB stars accrete mass the same way as the black holes they turn into do?

It is often said, in spite of sci fi often having illustrated the opposite, that stellar mass black holes do not gravitationally attract material in their environment into themselves anymore than a ...
LocalFluff's user avatar
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