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Questions tagged [infrared]

Questions about infrared astronomy, both observations (in the broadest sense) and instruments. The infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum has a longer wavelength than visible light, but shorter than sub-mm or radio waves.

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Can terrestrial infrared telescopes see through clouds or haze, sometimes at least?

My answer to Could UV-A imaging sensor reasonably see a total eclipse in progress through clouds? suggests that while clouds blocking visible light observation of the (partially) eclipsed solar disk ...
uhoh's user avatar
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6 votes
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How far have stars been seen beyond the center of the Milky Way?

What lies near the center of the galaxy is of great interest and in recent times the motion of dozen(s) of stars at the center of our galaxy orbiting around Sgr A* have been measured in great detail. ...
uhoh's user avatar
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5 votes
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Infrared telescopes, magnitude and observations

Currently 22-23 magnitude could be the limit to make a spectrum for ground based 10m class telescopes, 21-22 magnitude may be easy for them. 4m class telescopes could possibly handle 20 magnitude, I ...
questionhang's user avatar
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How do JWST and Hubble compare in detecting small bodies in the solar system that are a) white, b) black, c) Arrokoth-like, d) Voyager-like?

Assume the object is small, spherical, and illuminated only by the Sun, and has some apparent motion. The object is either: a) white - reflecting 100% perfectly diffusely (assume low temperature) b) ...
Roger Wood's user avatar
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What do negative values on bright sources in TIRSPEC mean?

I opened a FITs image data from TIRSPEC (NIR imaging) (an HgCdTe infrared imaging sensor) on DS9 and I saw that some of the bright stars have black patches at the center (negative values). Can you ...
Rian's user avatar
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Looking straight through the Milky Way Galaxy with the Gedanken Space Telescope from radio to 100 keV, what would the opacity vs wavelength look like?

Imagine that the "Large Gedanken Cryogenic Space Telescope" has been commissioned and aligned and is ready for its first test. It is equipped with a closed-cycle helium refrigerator to ...
uhoh's user avatar
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