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Gravity on Mercury's highest elevation?

This post answers what is Mars' gravity at its highest point (Olympus Mons) compared to the Earth's and Mars' standard, it's 0.3736 g (Mars standard is 0.3794 g). This also seems to be the lowest ...
John's user avatar
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List of J₂ values for solar system bodies beyond the planets; are there any prolates?

J₂ values for the planets can be found in several sources including each planet's planetary fact sheet. Without looking I'm going to assume they are all positive (oblate) because each planet rotates ...
uhoh's user avatar
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If 16 million kilometers were added to Earth's semi-major axis, what measurable effect would there be on Mars' orbit?

I have some education in astronomy, but nothing extensive in astrophysics. I can follow mathematical procedure with assistance. Procedural responses are most welcome!
JM Yaden's user avatar
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