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Questions tagged [red-dwarf]

Questions about red dwarfs, the smallest and most abundant stars in the universe.

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12 votes
3 answers

Existence of planets larger than their host star?

The mass region of objects between ~ 0.5 Jupiter masses and 80 Jupiter masses (gas giants through to brown dwarfs and red dwarfs) is typified by an almost flat relationship with object diameter. There ...
Ingolifs's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Are Brown and Sub-Brown Dwarfs secretly more common than stars?

I recently heard that Red Dwarfs are the most common type of star, and low-mass Red Dwarfs are the most common type of Red Dwarf. This seems to imply a generic trend that the lower the mass, the more ...
cowlinator's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

The colour of blue dwarf stars

The paper "M dwarfs: planet formation and long term evolution" describes blue dwarf stars, a hypothetical next-stage in the lifespan of red dwarf stars within a certain mass range, after which they ...
Astrid_Redfern's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Is the mechanism of solar flares on red dwarfs and brown dwarfs the same as that on the Sun?

The Sun has solar flares that are caused when there is a magnetic reconnection in the Sun's atmosphere, causing a loop of magnetic field to be ejected at high energy, along with a large number of ...
James K's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Would a red dwarf star resemble our own Sun at sunset to an observer on a nearby planet?

Suppose you're observing a red dwarf star at Noon from the surface of an Earth-like planet orbiting in the red dwarf's habitable zone, so that the red dwarf's luminosity is equal to our own Sun. Aside ...
RobertF's user avatar
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Does habitable zone take tidally locked bodies into account?

Imagine a tidally locked planet orbiting a red dwarf, where habitability is not situated close to terminator zone, but on a "small" cap normal to incident starlight (zenith) with permanent average +15 ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Lifespan of higher mass red dwarf stars

Wikipedia and the reference paper they are using offer some insights into the lifespan of smaller red dwarf stars (link). However it offers no insight as to what the projected lifespan of larger red ...
user1628056's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is life (as we know it) even possible around M-class stars?

My Question is about the fascination in looking for life on M class or Red Dwarf stars. We all know that Most stars (70%) are M Class, so looking at those stars is going to be important. The "...
Thomas Jones's user avatar